- Where possible stainless steels are handled with lifting gear that has been designated for use with stainless steels.
- Stainless steel cans and transitions should be lifted using the correct polypropylene slings
- Large shearing is to be lifted with the vacuum lift.
- Items being folded on the press are to be lifted with the stainless steel plate grabs.
- Stainless material is stored in a separate area designated for stainless steel only. It is stored on clean timbers to keep it clear of the floor and blocked in such a way to prevent damage.
- When splitting packs of stainless steel sheet and plate the tool used to split it should be from a material that does not cause contamination.
- Before processing, machinery should be cleaned thoroughly using the following procedure:
- Clean with correct stainless steel wire brush if needed.
- Blow away loose scale with compressed air lines.
- Wipe clean with cloths from bin provided.
- Clean gloves are to be used by operators when handling stainless steels.
- Stainless steel can be secured using carbon steel (blue) banding but must be protected from direct contact.
- During delivery, clean timber must be used for packing. It is preferable to use polypropylene straps and not carbon steel chains. If the size of the load dictates that chains must be used, then care must be taken to protect the load from direct contact.